Project Description

This AGR project is a support for internally displaced women in Dioïlla, to mitigate the consequences of violent extremism among internally displaced women in Dioïlla through the strengthening of economic initiatives linked to the opportunities offered by the commune of Dioïlla which is the production of soaps. It is a question of considering the numerous discriminations and gender-based violence that women in general encounter, in particular the IDF because of their situation as displaced persons, very vulnerable to strengthen their capacities by making them economically autonomous. In this perspective, we have identified 1230 IDF, in collaboration with the various technical services of the State and civil society organizations in charge of issues of internally displaced persons for the strengthening of their capacities in the defense of their rights. 1230 IDF will have economic power through the proposed activity. The FDI beneficiaries of this AGR project will be provided with equipment and raw materials for the production of soaps, they will also have training in micro-project management with a focus on negotiation and sales techniques as well as the opening of savings accounts in their names to allow good management of their resources.

AGR support project for the economic empowerment of internally displaced women

Dioïla, Circle of Dioïla, Koulikoro, Mali
AGR sector: Crafts

by Kadidiatou KADI DOUMBIA

  • 31.390 

    Funding Goal
  • 4.490 

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
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    Campaign End Method
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2 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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1er Palier : 11 660 Euros

Training of 50 women on artisanal soap making techniques
Purchase of basic equipment for production (pots, molds, labels, etc.)
Support for the creation of 5 groups of women soap producers

2eme Palier  : 10 760 Euros de plus

for support in the structuring and management of producer groups,
the establishment of a monitoring and support system for production activities
Facilitating access to the local market and marketing of products

3eme Palier  : 8 970 Euros de plus

Capacity building in financial management and entrepreneurship
Support for diversification and improvement of product quality
Awareness raising and advocacy actions for women's economic empowerment

Campaign Story

The Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Mali (AFEM) has already implemented several activities in the Dioila circle, Koulikoro region, aimed at supporting internally displaced women through IGAs. Here is an overview of the initiatives carried out:

1. Entrepreneurship Training: AFEM organized training workshops for displaced women, teaching them the basics of business management, accounting and marketing. These sessions enabled participants to acquire essential skills to run their own businesses.

2. Creation of Cooperatives: Cooperatives were established, allowing women to unite to produce and sell together. These groups promoted solidarity and facilitated access to resources, especially for craft and food production.

3. Local Markets and Craft Fairs: The association organized several craft fairs, where women were able to exhibit and sell their products. These events not only generated income, but also helped promote their talents and know-how.

4. Psychosocial Support and Mentoring: Mentoring programs were established, connecting experienced women entrepreneurs with those who are displaced. This support built confidence and offered valuable advice to overcome entrepreneurial challenges.

5. Health and Hygiene Awareness: AFEM has integrated health and hygiene awareness sessions into its activities. These trainings have enabled women to take care of their health and that of their families, thus improving their ability to work.

6. Use of Appropriate Technologies: Training in the use of digital tools was provided, enabling women to promote and sell their products online, while accessing useful information for their development.

Name Donate Amount Date
Initial Amount 4.490  August 29, 2024

Located at Dioilla in the region of Koulikoro in Mali, This project targets a vulnerable population of women who have had to flee their homes due to conflict and forced displacement.

Saponification, a traditional soap-making process based on vegetable oil and soda, is at the heart of this project. The beneficiary women will be trained in saponification techniques, from the preparation of raw materials to the packaging of the final product. They will learn to master the different stages of the process, including mixing the ingredients, cooking, drying and cutting the soap.

Practical workshops will be organized to allow participants to familiarize themselves with the equipment and tools needed for soap production. Emphasis will be placed on the use of local raw materials, such as vegetable oils and ashes, in order to promote the autonomy and sustainability of the sector.

Beyond technical skills, the project will provide business management support. Women will be trained in keeping accounting records, establishing budgets, setting sales prices and marketing their products. This support will enable them to develop sustainable economic activities and generate stable income to support themselves and their families.

The project will also focus on strengthening the organizational capacities of beneficiaries. Groups and cooperatives will be set up to promote the pooling of production resources, the exchange of experiences and the collective marketing of soaps.

Finally, special attention will be paid to the inclusion and empowerment of the most vulnerable women within the project. Specific support measures will be put in place to facilitate their participation and their taking of responsibilities within the organized structures.

1230 displaced and non-displaced women. These beneficiaries will be trained in micro-project management.

This project aims to support internally displaced women in the development of sustainable income-generating activities through the manufacture and marketing of artisanal soap. It will strengthen their economic autonomy and contribute to their social integration within the host community.

Raw materials for soap making, equipment, a soap making unit